GENERAL KNOWLEDGE MCQs Consists the following topics:
Geography, Atmosphere, Science, Literature, events, Pakistan Affairs, Current Affairsc, International Organizations. in this is important for the all types of tests or exams conducted by NTS, PTS, STS, FPSC, SPCS, KPSC, BPSC, PPSC and other testing services.
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Qyzylqum is the largest desert of
A Uzbekistan and Turkish
B Kyrgyzstan
C Tajikistan
D None
Which is the largest river of Uzbekistan
A River Amu
B River Syr
C river nile
D None
Seattle is a seaport of
A Hong Kong
B America and United States
C United kingdom
D None
Gobi desert is in
A Mongolia and China
B Iran and Iraq
C Saudi Arabia and Yamen
D None
The rocks formed out of layers of sediment bonded together are known as
A Sedimentary rocks
B Metamorphic rocks
C Igneous rocks
D None
pressure in the Earth are called
A Igneous rocks
B Sedimentary rocks
C Metamorphic rocks
D None