What kind of weapon is a Falchion?
A Spear
B Arrow
C Sword
D Bow
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE MCQs Consists the following topics:
Geography, Atmosphere, Science, Literature, events, Pakistan Affairs, Current Affairsc, International Organizations. in this is important for the all types of tests or exams conducted by NTS, PTS, STS, FPSC, SPCS, KPSC, BPSC, PPSC and other testing services.
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A Spear
B Arrow
C Sword
D Bow
A Pakistan and Bangladesh
B America and India
C USA and Canada
D None
A America and Saudi Arabia
B Pakistan and India
C Canada and Furnace
D None
A Thames
B Volga
C Danube
D None
A Sardina
B Sicily
C France
D None
A Democratic Republic of the Congo
B Sudan
C Egypt
D None
A Mongolia
B Kazakhstan
C Chad
D None
A Lenin Peak
B Victory Peak
C Imeni Ismail Samani Peak
D None