The Diamer-Bhasha Dam is being built on the On the River
A Jhelum River
B Chenab River
C Indus River
D Sutlet River
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE MCQs Consists the following topics:
Geography, Atmosphere, Science, Literature, events, Pakistan Affairs, Current Affairsc, International Organizations. in this is important for the all types of tests or exams conducted by NTS, PTS, STS, FPSC, SPCS, KPSC, BPSC, PPSC and other testing services.
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A Jhelum River
B Chenab River
C Indus River
D Sutlet River
A 1953
B 1956
C 1962
D 1955
A JF-8 Thunder
B JF-17 Thunder
C JF-9 Thunder
D JF-11 Thunder
A 1970
B 1975
C 1969
D 1972
A Martin Cooper
B Denis Riche
C Chares Babbage
D Vint Cerf
A distance
B time
C speed
D momentum
A Cambridge University
B Oxford University
C University of Bologna
D University of Warwick
MCQ was repeated in the Test for the Post of Assistant BPS-16 in Enquiries & Anti corruption Establishment SPSC
A 12
B 18
C 24
D None of these
MCQ was repeated in the Test for the Post of Assistant BPS-16 in Enquiries & Anti corruption Establishment SPSC
A Africa
B Europe
C South America
D North America
MCQ was repeated in the Test for the Post of Assistant BPS-16 in Enquiries & Anti corruption Establishment SPSC