Which of the following book is written by Benazir Bhutto?
A Myth of independence
B Foreign policy of Pakistan
C Daughter of the East
D Dreams from my father
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE MCQs Consists the following topics:
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A Myth of independence
B Foreign policy of Pakistan
C Daughter of the East
D Dreams from my father
A Ayub Khan and Indira Gandhi
C Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and Indira Gandhi
B Ayub Khan and Jawaharlal Nehru
D Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and Jawaharlal Nehru
A Richard Nixon
B Eisen Hower
C Ronald Reagon
D None of these
A Auguste Comte
B K.K Aziz
C Stanley Wolpert
D I.H Qureshi
A Mahmood Riad
B Amr Mousa
C Nabil Elaraby
D Ahmed Aboul Gheit
A 108,585,760
B 128,585,760
C 148,585,760
D 168,585,760
A Delhi Pact
B Shimla Pact
C Lahore Pact
D None of these
A 1 June
B 1 July
C 2 August
D None
A 1944
B 1945
C 1955
D 1940