Who is known as father of electricity?
A. Michael Faraday
B. Thomas Edison
C. Nicolas Tesla
D. Graham Bell
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A. Michael Faraday
B. Thomas Edison
C. Nicolas Tesla
D. Graham Bell
A A filament
B Tungsten
C Magnetic core
D None
A. is only practiced by Hopi people
B. is widely practiced is many Native American religious cultures
C. is a midsummers Native American ritual that spans nearly two weeks
D. Both b and c
A. Jane Eyre
B. Jane Austen
C. Emily Dickinson
D. Jane Greene
A Madrid
B Barcelona
C Seville
D Granada
A Asia
B Africa
C South America
D Australia
A Sao Paulo
B Cordoba
C Mendoza
D Buenos Air
A Tulip
B Snowdrops
C Ornamental onions
D Glory of the snow
A Hamalia
B Karakorum range
C Khirthar range
D salt range